Buying at Auction

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Here's how it works

Place your bid

If you are the highest bidder, the lot will turn green. We'll let you know if you're outbid, and the lot will turn red. Any bid you place is binding. If you have the winning bid once the auction ends, you will receive a confirmation email.


Payments through Old Stuff Auctions are safe and secure. Bids placed exclude the 10% sellers, 6% buyers fee and shipping costs.

Delivery and shipping

Sellers are obliged to send their lots within 5 working days following confirmation of payment to Old Stuff Auctions. Shipping costs are indicated in lot descriptions. In some cases, sellers may not charge for shipping. This is also indicated in lot descriptions.

The advantages of using Old Stuff Auctions

Special objects

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Auctioneers standing by

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Seller reviews

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Secure payments

First, you transfer payment to Old Stuff Auctions. The seller then sends you your purchase within 5 working days. Shortly after, the seller is paid out by us.